每日一句英译英 “疫情控制”是control仍是contain

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control a disease和con
每日一句英译英 “疫情控制”是control仍是contain插图
tain a disease的差异

一、 领会英语:

说到“控制疾病”,咱们从咱们的英语学习“回想”中“调用”的第一个英语词汇就是We must make our great efforts to control the disease.


1. CGTN:Wuhan is on lockdown to contain the spread of a new coronavirus outbreak.


2. CGTN: Hong Kong's Disneyland and Ocean Park closed Sunday until further notice in order to prevent the spread of novel coronavirus.

用词:prevent the spread of (a disease)

3. 美国President D Trump在他的Twitter中:President Donald Trump thanked China on Twitter Friday for its efforts to contain the disease.

"China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency(通明度). It will all work out well.


4. Farms in the area have been closed off in an attempt to contain the disease.

5. More police were sent to help contain the violence.

英语学习的疑问来了:“控制疾病”究竟是to cotrol it仍是to contain it?


1) To contain a disease:

1. Well,when we try to contain a disease,or something harmful,we try to keep it within limits and not allow it to spread:

口语:Okay.Got you:within limits and not allow it to spread就是要能记会说的key words

2. Well,when we try to contain a disease,we try to halt the spread or development of it,we try to check it,we try to curb it.

口语:Okay.Got you. Try to halt the spread or development of it.We can also say to check it,to curb it.


2) To control a disease

1.Farmers used a pesticide(农药) to control insects(害虫).

2. Fire fighterd controlled the fire by dousing(洒水) it with water.

口语:Okay.Got you.When we try to control something,including a dusease, we try to reduce or prevent the spread of it.

也有prevent the spread of之意

结论:control a disease和contain a disease都可以,只是control一般翻译成“控制,contain一般翻译成“遏止,一“控”一“遏”,用词程度不一样,看自个运用意图而定。

别忘了,上世纪五六十年代,美国为首的西方国家就是采纳contain China=to check China=curb China,遏止我国方针,可不是简略的“控制我国”,它(内部)控制control不了在外部contain是可以的,比方关闭孔子学院。


1.政府部分“疾病防控中心”都是固定说Disease Control and Prevention 的,不说contain一词。在此无需做过多的言语近义词分析和运用思考。

2.研讨实验法里的“控制组”和“实验组”也别离是 control group and experimental group固定用词。


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: