雅思口语论题卡 A City You Visited

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??下面新东方网雅思频道为我们收拾了雅思口语论题卡:A City You Visited,供考生们参阅,考生们在备考时可以多多操练这些常见的雅思口语考题,多收拾一些答题的材料?悸罚Vふ娇际允笨梢粤骼⑻烊坏卮鸶纯脊俑龅谋晏猓韵率蔷咛迥谌荨?
  A City You Visited

Describe a city that you have visited.

You should say:

where the city is (and its name)

when you went there

what you liked & disliked about the city

and explain why you visited this city.

  Part 3

1、What materials did you use to get information about this city?

2、What was the landform of that place (or, around that place)?

3、Do you think that tourists can harm the local culture of the people andthe environment of a tourist spot?

4、Which do you think is the better place to live, a city or a village inthe countryside?

5、In China, what are the major differences between the urban and the ruralareas?

6、Why do many people prefer t
雅思口语论题卡 A City You Visited插图
o live in the city instead of in a ruralarea?

7、What problems are there from living in a city and what problems are therefrom living in a village (or, the countryside)?

以上就是新东方网雅思频道为我们收拾的雅思口语论题卡:A City You Visited,非常有用。更多资讯、材料尽在新东方网雅思频道。最终,新东方网雅思频道预祝我们在雅思考试中获得好成果!




:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: