每日学习地道英语口语 have one’s hands full

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??如今是快节奏的社会,许多人每天都非常忙,忙着学习、忙着作业、忙着带孩子等等,今日跟我们共享的地道英语短语是:have one's hands full,直接翻译的意思是“两只手都满了”,可以引申为“忙得不可以开交”、“腾不出手来”或许“有许多作业要做”。

Have one's hands full也可以说成get one's hands full,下面一同看看几个比方吧!

1. I've really had my hands full, could you help me do the housework? 我现已忙得不可以交了,你可以协助做一下家务吗?

2. Nowadays, many p
每日学习地道英语口语 have one’s hands full插图
eople have their hands full with study, work, kids, and have no time traveling. 如今许多人忙于学习、作业和带孩子,没有时刻去旅行。

类似have one's hands full的表达还有as busy as a bee。咱们晓得bee是勤劳的小蜜蜂,所以这句短语的意思是“忙得不可以开交”、“忙得团团转”。例如:As a mother of three kids, she is always as busy as a bee. 作为三个孩子的母亲,她老是忙得焦头烂额。

假定想用busy来标明忙的话,还可以用be busy with something或许be busy doing something,标明“忙于做某事”,例如:1. Don't bother me, I am busy with my homework. 别打扰我,我忙着做作业呢。2. I am busy doing my homework. 我忙于做作业。

以上就是关于have one's hands full的常识啦,期望对您有所协助!每天一句地道英语短语,积跬步以行千里!等待重视和转发!


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: