英语口音(4.1) 你喜爱英式发音仍是美式发音

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English Accent


As for many English learners, the English accent is the compulsory lesson. However, just like Chinese dialects, English accent is also diverse. Now, we hear and say commonly American or British accent. Let's talk about something interesting while you learning English accent!


1.Which accent did you learn when you contacted the English at first?


As for me, I learned American English at first, and I think most of the Chinese students learn American English at a very young age, because our textbooks, the audios provided, or recorded in American accent, and I can still remember the words one book I learnt in primary school called Family Album USA, And I've also watched videos of this book, it was about an American family, and it was very interesting. There was one, it was a time, and people regard American English as standard and authentic English, and everyone is trying to imitate um American accents to make them sound like a true American.


2.Do you prefer American or British accent? Could you tell me why?


You could easily tell that I prefer British accent. I am trying really hard to imitate this accent, personally, I think British accent sounds more elegant, and some of the pronunciations make me feel so comfortable, I don't know how to describe this feeling precisely, but just imagine how Sherlock Holmes speaks, you could even understand the profound cultural background in this accent, while American accent sounds more casual, you could even deduce that people who use this language, who speak in this way are more open hearted and straightforward and outgoing.


3.Did anything interesting happen to you when you were learning English accent? Or are there any intriguing ways you think can help learn it?


I do recall an anecdote about funny accent, wh
英语口音(4.1) 你喜爱英式发音仍是美式发音插图
en I was in Britain, you know, there are lots of Indians living and studying in the UK, once I made a phone call to enquire some issues about my bank account, the lady who answer the phone, it was an Indian woman. She kept asking me, What was my name and I just don't understand, I just couldn't understand what is her mean, Um, And this process lasts lasted for several minutes, and she was finally irritated by me, and she asked, What was your first name and what was your.


答复选自 @交流电 用户:Sylvia



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