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With a self-starting, entrepreneurial attitude, new college grads can putthemselves on the road to career success.  In the coming weeks, many of th...

来历 : 我国日报网05月04日 09:41要害词 : 给大学结业生的五点主张大学结业生

business card    More than likely, you have thrown away or stored most of thebusiness cards you were handed without giving them more thought. It...

来历 : 沪江网04月25日 11:38要害词 : 商务手刺构思手刺

Many of us spend a large chunk of our waking lives at work, but rarely dowe give much thought to how our on-the-clock environment might be affec...

来历 : 沪江网04月25日 11:24要害词 : 单位损害安康作业环境

If a 20-minute nap, a cup of joe, and more shuteye at night were in a cagematch, who would win for reducing that classic afternoon "dip"? The a...

来历 : 可可英语04月16日 10:13要害词 :

One of the toughest things to do when getting to know people professionallyis remembering their names. And it's also an extremely useful skill ...

来历 : 沪江网04月14日 10:30要害词 : 职场攻略记住别人名字

It's always overwhelming when you come back into the office from vacation.Your email inbox looks like something exploded in it, and the endless...

来历 : 沪江网04月08日 13:39要害词 : 节后归纳症职场攻略

这篇文章是硅谷出名风投公司GreylockPartners的合伙人约瑟夫-安萨尼利就作业之余的日子、最崇拜的公司以及作业主张的一些真知灼见,不少主张很值得年青人学一学。  What is the best...

来历 : 可可英语04月02日 13:33要害词 : 才智告诫

People who are loyal employees tend to earn more, according to the firstlarge-scale study of loyalty and earnings, according to new research....

来历 : 可可英语04月02日 13:17要害词 : 加薪宝典忠诚度


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