【慧牧托福口语】之 万能思路 描绘作业

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Spring Festival / Holiday 我们在节日时刻集会get together, 集会一堂cherish the time with each other, have fun and be happy。

Event: The Spring Festival / Holiday 新年或假期

- A time when friends, relatives, and members of family get together

- 家人、亲属、兄弟集会的日子

- Family reunion is a very joyful moment for everyone of us especially for those living or working far away from home to go back and be with their beloved


- People prepare and have a big dinner together 一同煮饭

- After the dinner, many of them go outside to have fun or watch TV at home with friends and family members 饭后,一同出去玩或看电视

- Children like this time of the year, because they can receive a large amount of money enclosed within a red envelope from adults in the family, representing a good fortune in the future 小孩子喜爱这个日子,因为可以收到压岁钱


TPO4–Task 1

Which do you miss most about your home when you are away? Use specific details in you explanation. 当你脱离家的时分,你最牵挂的是啥?


Personally speaking, I would miss the time I spent with my family when I am away from home.

Family reunion is a very joyful moment for those like me living and studying in another country to go back and be with my friends, relatives, and parents.

I would always miss the moment when we prepare and have a big dinner together, and then go outside to play fireworks or enjoy the TV shows. I feel very happy and relaxed.

I can always receive a large amount of money from my parents, because I don't have a job or any income, and my parents support my tuition and living expenses during my stay in another country.

TPO 6-Task1

Talk about a photograph or painting you have seen that was memorable. Explain what you liked or disliked about it. 谈及令你难忘的一张相片或一幅画。


I want to talk about a photograph I took with my family during the Spring Festival this year.

It is a memorable photograph, because it reminds me the joyful moment when I get together with my friends, relatives, and parents after living and studying in another country for a year.

I would always miss the moment when we prepared and had a big dinner together, and then went outside to play fireworks or enjoyed the TV shows. I felt very happy and relaxed.

I love my family, because my parents care about me and always financially support my stay and study in another country. I feel courageous whenever I look at this photo; it reminds me that my parents always stand by my side.

TPO 21 -Task1

Talk about an important news event that happened recently in your country, describe the event and explain why it was important. 介绍一件迩来在你国家发生的重要作业。

思路:请各位在答复此疑问时重视迩来有哪些节假期,然后将spring festival 或 holiday 替换为具体的节假期就好啦。

The important news event happened last money in my country is the celebration of the Spring Festival.

It is a time of family reunion as well as a joyful moment for those like me living and studying in another country to go back and be with my friends, relatives, and parents.

I love this moment, because we prepare and have a big dinner together, and then go outside to play fireworks or enjoy the TV shows. I feel very happy and relaxed.

Children like this time of the year, because they can receive a large amount of money enclosed within a red envelope from adults in the family, representing a good fortune in the future





Task 2Do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Spend time with family is more important than working.


Task 1What is your favorite day of the year?


Task 1Describe an enjoyable event in your childhood.


Task 1Describe an event such as a holiday or other occasion that you enjoy celebrating and explain why the event is significant to you


Task 1 If a high school is planning to organize an after-sch
【慧牧托福口语】之 万能思路 描绘作业插图
ool activity for its students, what kind of activity would you recommend and why?


Task 1Describe a day you enjoy most or most special for you


Task 1Describe a decision you made. How did you make that decision? How did you solve it?


Task 1If you were to become a volunteer at the school or in the community, what kind of volunteer work would you do and why?


Task 1Describe a change in your country. It could be a social, economical or political change. Explain how this change influenced people in your country. Please include specific reasons and details in your response.


Task 1Talk about an organization that you would like to join. Explain why you would like to join this organization? Please include reasons and details to support your response.


Task 1What big event happened in your country recently?


Task 1Describe a project or assignment which is important to you。


Task 1Describe an activity you enjoy doing in your school recently. Why? Include specific reasons and details to support your response.


Task 1Describe a thing that you always wanted to do but have not yet done it.


Task 1Describe a good period of time.


Task 1Describe a most important day for you.


Task 1What big event happened in your country recently?


Task 1Describe favorite activity with family in your childhood


Task 1Describe a day you enjoy most or most special for you


ETS官方认证托福培训官, 曾担任闻名机构托福首席主讲,所著的《常远新托福口语真经》、《常远新托福写作真经》系列终年在京东、当当、亚马逊等线上书店排名前3名,被称为托福经典备考教材,亲自参加过20多场托福考试。在一线多达9000多小时的教育实习中,深谙不一样年纪段和不一样性格学生的学习特征,以及我国考生托福口语、写作的软肋。他经过对托福口语和写作教育不断思考和研讨,归纳出一套一起有用的辅导办法,在前进学生言语和学习才能的基础上,协助学生在短时刻内打破托福口语和写作低分瓶颈,考出托福口语、写作的高分甚至满分,常教师培训的学员口语成果抵达24+分段的比例高达90%,打破了我国学生口语不能跨越24分的魔咒。




:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: