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口语TASK 1Which of the following three types of volunteer work in library will you choose to do?Using computer to find books for studentsReading books for kidsArranging books on the bookshelves 分析:常规“三选一”题型,“课后活动”类型比照常考,可以让学惹事前在独立题材料里边预备好有关的afterschool activities/ volunteer work。以下是答题思路和理由。 1. 用电脑帮同学找书。前进找书功率,也可以查看书本是不是available for borrowing。加强本身处置和处置疑问的才能,添加自个作用感。 2. 给小孩子读书。帮小孩子了解故事。自个喜爱和孩子共处,和将来作业有关。 3. 收拾书架上面的书。使图书馆愈加规整洁净。前进找书功率。 参阅范文:As for me, I will definitely choose reading books for the kids in the library. First, it would be easier for kids to comprehend the stories with ears and imagination. It’s quite complicated for kids to recognize the Chinese characters in a fairy tale story, let alone read it by themselves. For example, my 4-year-old cousin only stays focus on a book when his mom is reading the bedtime story for him. So reading for them also strengthens the relationships. What’s more, I’m majoring in education and I love spending quality time with kids, which will certainly be valuable experience for me in teaching area in the future.有关词汇:concentrate on/ stay focus/ easily distracted/ focus on/ strengthen the relationship/ a sense of achievement/ improve the abilities to handle and solve problems TASK 2The school is going to record the lecture of classes and release it on the website the next day. Do you think it’s a good idea? Explain why. 分析:附和放上网络。协助学生查漏补缺,预习温习预备考试。 不附和放上网络。有了视频材料,反而致使学生上课不专心听讲,降低课堂质量。 许多课堂需要interactivity,需要做group discussion和Q&A session,单看视频,并没有互动和协助。 参阅范文TASK 1I think it’s a brilliant idea to put the recordings of lectures on school website. First of all, sometimes students will find it hard to stay focus and keep up with the professors all the time during the classes. For example, my professor in film directing class talks really fast with a slight accent. I barely got any time to write down the notes, let alone reviewing them before the coming exams. With the new plan, students can easily find what they miss in the classes. What’s more, recordings on the website are good publicity and thus will strengthen the reputation of the academic fields for the school. Whoever interested in that academic area can simply make a few clicks and have a look and decide whether to further the education or not.有关词汇:keep up with/ fast-paced/ good publicity/interactive behaviors/ Q & A sessions 写作上星期六(11月18日)考的独立写作题又是一道“三选一”的题,本题在16年6月25日的大陆考场早年考过。标题如下:The government can take a variety of actions to help protect the environment. Which one of the following do you think is the most important for the nation’s government to take to protect the environment?1. Fund the research to develop environmentally friendly energy sources such as solar and wind energy.2. Preserve the natural places like forests and protect the animals that live there.3. Enforce laws to prevent the pollution of air and water by large companies.中文翻译:政府可以采纳各种行为来协助维护环境。你认为国家政府采纳以下哪一项办法关于维护环境是最重要的?1. 赞助研讨开发太阳能和风能等对环境无害的动力。2. 保存像森林这样的天然歇息地, 并维护住在那里的动物。3. 施行法令, 避免大公司对空气和水的污染。 “三选一”类的题具体可以分为“三留一”类和“三去一”类。“三留一”即从三个选项中挑出一个选项,比方上面这道题;而“三去一”则意味着从三个选项中除去一个,例如:In an economic crisis, which area should the government reduce its spending? Art, scientific research or parks and public gardens.(在经济危机中, 政府大约削减哪个领域的开支?艺术、科学研讨仍是公园和公共花园。) 根据经历来看,实践考试中出“三留一”类题的概率更大,以下就以解此类标题为例(“三去一”类题只需要在逻辑上反之即可): 答复“三留一”的题,当然首要要证明你选择的那个选项有哪些优势或必要性,可是只是写出这点并不能满足标题的需求。因为标题一般问的是“最佳”、“最重要”、“最大约”,也就意味着咱们在文章中需要去比照其他两个选项,指出它们的下风或许不必要性,这样才干算从逻辑上无缺地答复了疑问。 写“三留一”类的题可以采纳不一样的文章规划,以下是相对简略且操作性较强的两种(假定选择的是第1个选项): 第一种:- 最初段- 1的优势或必要性一- 1的优势或必要性二- 2、3的下风或不必要性- 结束段 第二种:- 最初段- 1的优势或必要性- 2的下风或不必要性- 3的下风或不必要性- 结束段 具体采纳哪种规划可以根据标题来定,假定能较轻松地找出选项1的两种优势或必要性则选择规划一,如其他两个选项比照简略拓宽则选择规划二,总之应试原则是:找自个擅长的方面去写,在有限时刻内可以充分打开。以上星期的考试题为例,假定选择第3个选项,解题思路可以如下: - 最初段- 大公司一般对环境影响很大,一旦构成污染很难打点;- 假定不加强立法、进行有用监督,政府就无法避免大公司的污染行为;- 为了赞助研发新动力政府需要投入许多资金,周期太长且成果不断定;维护歇息地和动物对大大都人的往常日子影响不大。- 结束段 也可以写成: - 最初段- 假定不加强立法、进行有用监督,政府就无法避免大公司构成严峻的污染;- 为了赞助研发政府需要投入许多资金,周期太长且成果不断定;而且政府的功率可以比照低,有许多民间本钱现已在做此类测验,不需要政府的介入;- 维护歇息地和动物对大大都人的往常日子影响不大;而且当前现已有不少天然维护区及国家公园,维护歇息地和动物不是那么急迫。- 结束段 “三选一”类的题近期一向是查询的要点,可以猜测在本年接下来的几场考试中占比也会不轻,期望同学们予以注重,多多操练。以下再罗列几道,供我们逊Ъ路,考前尽可以提前预备写作语料和材料:160319CN Students in a university club want to help others, but they can only choose one project a year, which one of the following is the best?a. Help those students in a nearby primary school with reading and mathematics;b. Help people who cannot afford to build or rent a home to build a house;c. Visit and assist elderly people with daily tasks.大学沙龙的学生们想协助别人, 但他们每年只能选择一个项目, 下面哪一个是最佳的?a. 协助邻近一所小学的学生学习阅览和数学;b. 协助那些担负不起建房或租房的人缔造住所;c. 造访并协助晚年人的往常日子。 150524CN Which way do you think is the best for a student to make new friends. a. joining a sports team, b. participating in community activities, c. traveling.你认为学生结交新兄弟的最佳方法是啥?a. 参加体育队 b. 参加社区活动 c. 旅行。 140118CN In your opinion, if a government is facing economic problems, which of the following areas should it spend less money on? a. libraries b. public transportation c. police在你看来, 假定一个政府面临经济疑问, 下面哪个领域大约少花钱?a. 图书馆 b. 公共交通 c.差人部分 141109CN When making major purchase (for example, car or laptop), our decisions can be influenced by different sources of information. Explain how each of the following sources of information can influence your decision.a. Recommendations from friends or colleaguesb. Information from media (for example, TV, magazines, newspapers)c. Re
commendations from sales person in the store在收购大件产品 (例如轿车或笔记本电脑) 时, 咱们的抉择计划会遭到不一样信息来历的影响。说明以下每种信息来历如何影响您的抉择计划。a. 兄弟或火伴的主张b. 来自媒体的信息 (例如, 电视、杂志、报纸)c. 商铺出售人员提出的主张 注:本题不是典型的“三选一”类题,标题需求咱们说明各个选项,可以分三段别离说明每种选项的好坏。 沃邦托福教研组


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