2010年3月27日托福共享 口语写作英文版

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??2010年3月27日托福共享 口语写作英文版  阅览

第一篇讲火星的火山和crater,以?怯胫亓Φ牧纭K祷鹕降膅ravity比地球的小,因而火星的火山要高一点,而且火山的高度是跟着区域改变的different from areas to areas. 第二篇讲威尼斯造船业和海上运送业的式微,是因为另外区域的陆上交通的鼓起,也因为本身资金缺乏,没办法运用新的技能,还有工人功率低下,老工人半个小时就歇息一次,而新工人都脱离威尼斯去另外当地了。威尼斯再也无法回复那个世纪前期的光辉了。然后还有尽管后来威尼斯翻开了啥对造船业和运送业的特权控制(就是这些作业正本是控制在少量人手中的),可是因为物品供给的增多,物品的价格仍然变低了。第三篇是ancient plants adapted to environment from fresh water to terrestrial lands. 第一段说ancient plants 和a kind of algae 有许多类似之处。然后说了ancient plants 有哪些进化来习气fresh water 的环境。fresh water 比海洋更简略变干,温度也不平稳啥的。然后说ancient plants transform from fresh water to terrestrial lands, 利益是其时陆地上没有生物,所以它们没有竞赛的种族,而且二氧化碳和sunlight 都很足够。因而他们只需能习气环境,就能快速繁衍,健壮种族。然后说了ancient plants 为了习气陆地环境都做了哪些adaptation. 比方stem can support their body, nutrients and water can be moved from bottom to leaves等等。 词汇题有presumed, (=supposed?) 只需这题想了一下,其他简略的想不起来了。


对?的歉鲅医淌Χ隙ㄗ愿鍪遣皇堑执锪私嵋档谋曜肌S行┛未友∨奈匦蘖耍愿龌姑谎 =淌λ嫡飧龇秸胫还赜诖笠淮蠖模笕笏牟皇苡跋臁?有题). 然后教师还问他是不是做了一个课外的活动,他说做过了。(有题)



听力加试: 丢ID,浪漫主义诗人和神经元细胞


1. Many students want to improve their study records. Do you have any suggestion to them.

2. Some people prefer to go shopping only when they need to buy something. Other people like to shopping even they don’t have certain things to buy. Which would you prefer?

3.阅览:学校说要把graduate ceremony make changes, 分红两个有些,分两天举办,因为典礼时刻太长,第二因为礼堂太小,学生和来的客人太多。学生对立,说其实这两个都可以处置。第一可以cut off speeches。 There are too many speeches by students, professors, president and teachers. 第二可以make student invite less people. The universities nearby only allow their students to invite at most 4 to 5 people, but this school allow 10 guests for each student. So the school could only allow the student to invite 6 people to the ceremony, so that the hall will not be so crowd.

4. Cultural lag

Reading: When a new technology is developed, many people cannot understand it and may have negative attitude toward it. However, as the time changes, people will gradually accept it and corporate the new technology into their daily life.

In the lecture, the professor demonstrate this point by giving an example of telephone. At first , only businessmen use it, for they can make more benefit through the telephone. However, as time passed, more and more people start to use it.

5. The man’s roommate is going to move out of their apart
2010年3月27日托福共享 口语写作英文版插图
ment. They live far away from the school and the roommates usually gave the man a ride to school. If he leaves, it will be inconvenient for the man to go to school. One solution is to take public transportation, like bus. The man says there is no bus that can reach his school directly, he has to change buses a couple of times. Another solution is move back to the dormitory in school, but the man says he enjoys living alone, and he will have to finish his paper. He will miss his apartment.

6. Weathering

Rocks broke up by: 1. Water.

Rain falls into the rocks, and when temperature falls down, water will freeze in the rock and the volume will get bigger in the rocks, so pieces of rocks will break down. 2. Plants. Seeds are blown into the rocks and they grow up in the rock. Their roots develop and grow deeper to get water and nutrients. Then the professor gives an example of a big tree that grow upon the surface of rocks. As the plants grow bigger, the rock will fragment and crack down.

写作  Reading:

Picture: 一个像手雷相同的东西的剖面图 标出了Irod XX, Clay jars, 和copper的夹层

Ancient vessels found in Iraq, some people guess it is used to generate electricity. Reading is against this point. First, to generate electricity, a metal weird is necessary. But there is no evidence of metal weird near the site of vessels. Second, the vessel is similar to the vessels in the ruins of Secelucia. And people in Secelucia use the vessel for another use other than to generate electricity. Third, ancient people have nothing to do with electricity. It is useless to them.

Listening: 1. the vessels are found by local people, who have not be trained and they are not archeologists. They may overlook something important or even throw it away.

2. Although vessels in S do not be used to produce electricity, they may be adapted in Iraq to another use (to generate electricity)

3. Ancient people may use electricity to make invisible power, or magic power. Or they may use them for healing, like it is used nowadays. Electricity can stimulate muscles and relieve pains for the patients.

Independent Writing: Do you agree: to make get happiness, one should make others happy first.

最终,给我们一点主张,就是仍是前进实力最重要,共享只是辅佐。我有个同学没看共享,连加试共享都不看的,也能考110+。 其实就算只果有一个月时刻而且初度预备的话,也可以获得好成果,主张把时刻多用在听力的留心力会集练习上,还有操练面临一套全新的口语题可以做到不慌不忙的搞定。必定不可以以依靠共享。但也不可以以完全无视。特别是加试仍是有很大协助的。关于考过G的同学,阅览和写作会相对简略些。听力不算快,感触和TPO差不多。我觉得词都能听懂,就是到后来会中止翻译的作业。口语和写作有些的听力也不快,比TPO还陡峭,完全有时刻记下来,重要的是可以在短时刻内组织好言语,在限制时刻内掌控好节奏说完要说的,否则就像俺相同白记了那么多。 不过G写作考的不睬想的同学也要多留心一下写作。期望我们都能获得好成果!


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: