
  • A+



1. 存取款
- 存钱:I would like to deposi
t some money.
- 取钱:Could I withdraw some cash, please?
- 存折:I need to update my passbook.
- 存单/取款单:I'd like to fill out a deposit/withdrawal slip.
- 钞票/硬币:Do you have any small change? I need some coins.

2. 转账汇款
- 转账:I want to transfer some money from my savings account to my checking account.
- 汇款:I need to send money to my friend in another country.
- 收款人:Can you please give me the recipient's bank details?
- 联行号/分行号:What is the branch code for the recipient's bank?
- 异地汇款:I would like to make an overseas remittance.

3. 贷款办理
- 贷款申请:I would like to apply for a loan to buy a house.
- 收入证明:I need to provide proof of my income.
- 贷款利率:What is the interest rate for this loan?
- 还款方式:What are the repayment options for this loan?
- 期限:How long is the loan term?

4. 储蓄理财
- 理财产品:What investment options do you have?
- 定期存款:I would like to open a fixed deposit account.
- 存款利率:What is the interest rate for this savings account?
- 理财咨询:Could you give me some advice on investment?

5. 银行卡问题
- 卡丢了:I lost my bank card. What should I do?
- 卡被锁定:My card is blocked. How can I unblock it?
- 密码错误:I can't remember my PIN. Can you help me reset it?
- 取钱机故障:The ATM is not working. Is there another one nearby?
- 查余额:Could you check my account balance, please?



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: